Tuesday, 14 December 2010

What's happening in January at Refresh?

Refresh main meetings on Tuesdays 4th and 18th January 2011 from 7pm in the No8 Club.

Home groups from 7.30pm onwards on 11th January for ladies at 7 Holmfoot or 1 Whitchester Lane, and for Men at 3 Whitchester Lane on 11th and 25th January.

And God Made Eve - Tues 25th January 7.30pm in the No8 Club - come and explore your faith through being creative - ladies only

Stepping Stones for 2-4 year olds and their parents and carers restarts Monday 24th January 2-3pm in the No8 club.

Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew - Messy Games Night with tea provided - Thursday 27th January 4.30 - 6pm PLEASE COME IN OLD CLOTHES!

Deeper (for S1 upwards) restarts Sunday 16th January from 6pm at 3 Whitchester Lane - for any more info please contact Jodi on 75013

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