Thursday, 25 August 2011

Soul Survivor

This year I am very pleased to say that we took a group down to Soul Survivor. There was 3 leaders and 9 young people. It was a fantastic time at Shepton Mallett near Bath where the weather was actually sunny for a while (though there was a little rain there too)

During the week there it really challenged those who had faith and got those thinking who didn't. The whole group took part in different seminars during the day and attended the main meeting as well where we had to endure bad jokes from the speakers Mike Pilivachi and Andy Croft, their talks were a lot better though. During the week there was also bands playing - LZ7, 29th Chapter and Dweeb were just a few and Matt Redman also made an appearance during a few main meetings.

I am also happy to say that on the last main meeting 3 of the young people that Grafted took down made commitements in front of everyone there (around 12,000 people) and they are carrying on asking questions and growing in their faith.

We are also looking at going back down for soul survivor next year but for now here are a few pictures that were taken whilst there this year


Spree which was held 17th-19th June was a fantastic weekend. Grafted group took 33 young people up to Whithaugh Park and everyone had a great time even when it was raining!!! It really got the young people that we took up to think alot more about their faith and asked the leaders any qestions that they had.

I am pleased to add that no-one got washed out of their tents this year even though they did get just that little bit muddy!!

Everyone is looking farward to Spree in the borders next year :)

Congratulations on your new home!

Lee and Claire Musson move into their new home today in Holmfoot! Congratulations guys - we hope you will be very happy there (and your new puppy too :) XX

Whats happening in September at Refresh??

Thursday 1st Sept - Refresh Leadership meeting 10am
Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew Crazy Games 3.30 - 5pm No8 Club
Friday 2nd Marys Teas 3-5pm No8 Club
and also 8 till 10 Coffee Bar for 14-19year olds in No8 Club
Sunday 4th Sept - 55minute church from 4pm in the No8 Club...the theme will be LOST
Monday 5th Sept and each Monday thereafter - Stepping Stones 2-3pm in No8 Club
Thu 8th and each Thursday thereafter Boulder Gang 3.30-4.30pm and Rock Solid Crew 5-6pm
Sunday 11th Deeper from 6pm - 9pm and every sunday thereafter at 3 Whitchester Lane
Tuesday 6th Sept and 20th Sept Home Groups
Tuesday 13th Sept and 27th Sept Worship and Teaching from 7pm in No8
Tues 20th Sept And God Made Eve from 7.30pm in No8


With a new school year and with some young people moving up in to S1 we have a few new members that we can welcome to Deeper on a Sunday night - Toby Little and Brandon Thompson. At the last Deeper meeting we had 8 young people there and we had a good laugh recreating a modern version of the Lost Son. It was great to see everyone working together and really getting into the parable. We are working on this parable for 55 minute church where we will be able to act it out in front of everyone (hopefully the leaders will be taking part too but you will have to wait and see for that).
All of S1 are welcome to came along to Deeper so if you are a young person looking into learning more about Jesus and the bible then please come along and join in

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Evans !!!!

Owain's getting hitched! Woo hoo... Our lovely Owain Evans who used to be a part of the leadership of Refresh is getting married tomorrow :) to the beautiful Vicky! Congratulations to both of you , much love from all your brothers and sisters in Christ at Refresh XX

And God Made Eve

AMAZING evening on Tuesday night at And God Made Eve led by Sarah Oliver - the theme was light and shining like lights in a dark world. We created some beautiful canvas art and had a fab time...21 of us there...we are expanding!! God is GOOOOOOOD :)

Bye Bye Claire Bear :(

We are very sorry to say bye bye to Claire Morrison who moves to Ireland from Whithaugh Park to begin college.there. Exciting times ahead Claire...we will miss you very much at Refresh and look forward to seeing you in the New year :)

New Cafe Bar

There is a new cafe bar at the No.8 fortnightly on a Friday night 8pm-10pm. It is for 14-19 year olds who would like to come over, chillout and have a cup tea, coffee and biscuits. It has been decorated and set out to help you relax and have a good time. There will be good music to listen to from the music channels along with the pool table, basket ball and and nintendo wii which you can have a go at as well.
The next Cafe Bar is on the 2nd September so please come along and check it out.

Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew

New school term already and lots of our Boulder Gangers moving up to Rock Solid Crew! Big changes ahead and lots of excitement too! We kick off with Crazy Games on Thursday 1st September from 3.30-5pm...not fun games, not messy games....CRAZY GAMES!!!!! Invitations about to go out to all the new P1's and P4's especially! We hope to see lots of newbies :)

Also at the Crazy Night there will be chance for the young people to ask questions and help plan the next session with lots of activities that they want to do. We love new and exciting ways to worship God! this space and see what happens.......................................

Stepping Stones open day

We are very excited to kick off our new term with a Stepping Stones Open day on Monday 29th August from 1.30-3pm. Invitations have gone out to every family in Newcastleton with a child aged 2-4 years - it's really exciting to see who will come along. The theme will be Jonah and the Big Fish - and we will be creating lots of fish themed crafts and probably making lots of mess too! There will be an optional chill out area for parents to enjoy and also opportunity to ask questions about Stepping Stones and chat to the team.