Tuesday, 15 March 2011

And God Made Eve...Ladies weekend!


Spree in the Borders is back again this year on the 17th-19th June and aim to have wild adventures and fun, activities, making new friends and have challenging talks about God and you.

If you want a weekend of riotous fun, doing a huge range of activities then Spree is the place for you. Activities include a giant zip wire, abseiling, zorbing, ear wax modelling, archery, grass sledging, crafts, canoeing, swimming and much much more. The cost for this weekend will be £47 which is includes camping in a tent (provided) and fantastic food all weekend. Last year we had the biggest group and we aim to do it this year as well.

If you are 8 years old and upwards and you want to join us on a fantastic weekend then please contact Julie or Jodi on 75013

April Dates

Refresh Community Church News

Worship and Teaching on the 12th and 26th April from 7pm in the No.8 Club - everyone welcome

Ladies Group
And God Made Eve, (ladies only) Tuesday 5th April in the No.8 Club from 7:30pm - come and explore you faith through being creative

Home goups from 7:30pm onwards on the 19th April (for ladies - please ring 75013 for venues 0 and 3 Whitchester Lane (for men) on the 5th and 19th April

Easter Events:-
Stepping Stones Easter Eggstravanganza Monday 18th April. For 2-4 year olds and their parents/carers.
Come snd share lunch with us from 1pm - followed by Easter crafts and games

Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew Easter Adventure Thursday 21st April 4-6pm
Meet at the No.8 Club at 4pm (please wear warm clothes and wellies/outdoor shoes) Food will be provided

Deeper (for S1 upwards) every Sunday in April from 6pm at 3 Whitchester Lane. For any more information please contact Jodi Wakefield on 75013

March Dates

Refresh main meeting on Tuesdays 1st, 15th and 29th March from 7pm in the No.8 Club - everyone welcome

Ladies group
And God Made Eve, (ladies only) Tuesday 8th March in the No.8 Club from 7:30pm - come and explore your faith through being creative

Home groups from 7:30pm onwards on the 22nd March (for ladies - please ring 75013 for venues) and 3 Whitchester Lane (for men) on the 8th and 22nd March

Groups for children and young people
Stepping Stones for 2-4 year olds and their parents and carers every Monday in March from 2-3pm in the No.8 Club
Come along for an hour of fun and games, crafts, stories and songs. Parents come along and join in the fun or chill out with a cuppa and a cake!

Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew every Thursday in March at the No.8 Club - Boulder Gang is for P1-3 from 3:30-4:30pm and Rock Solid Crew is for P4-7 from 5-6pm. Everyone Welcome - Please contact Julie, Jodi or Luke for a consent form if you haven't been before.

Deeper (for S1 upwards) every Sunday in March from 6pm at 3 Whitchester Lane. For any more information please contact Jodi Wakefield on 75013