Thursday, 20 January 2011

Bouldergang and Rock Solid Christmas party

As you can see, it looked like everyone had a great time at the party, especially as they saw a leader get covered in gunge......poor Luke

Mince Pie Making with Liddesdale Parish Church

Some photos of our Mince pie making evening! Mince pies and calendars were delivered throughout the village as a small gift to bless the community from both Churches.

And God Made Eve...Ladies weekend!

We are so excited for our ladies weekend this weekend! Staying at Blaithwaite House near Wigton - 16 of us planning to have a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. Thank you for Vikki for following God's plan for this and getting the ball rolling, to Mim for volunteering to cook for us all and to Elaine for helping organise everything :)

Photos to follow....

February Dates for Refresh

Refresh main meetings on Tuesday 1st and 15th February *. Meet from 7pm for coffee and fellowship. Everyone welcome :)

On the 15th February *- Prayer and Fasting Day - we would encourage all who are able to fast and pray for the whole day - where is God leading us this year? We will meet together in the No8 Club from 6pm for a meal and to share what God has placed on our hearts.

And God Made Eve - Tues 8th February

Home Groups from 7.30pm onwards on 22nd February (ladies at 7 Holmfoot and 1 Whitchester Lane) and 3 whitchester Lane (for Men) on 8th and 22nd February

Stepping Stones - each Monday in February from 2-3pm in the No8 Club
Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew - Mini Cinema Evening 3rd Feb 4pm-6pm
Normal sessions resume 24th Feb

Deeper - each Sunday in Feb from 6pm at 3 Whitchester Lane

By Grace

For by grace you have been saved through
faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

Boulder Gang and Rock Solid Crew

Really looking forward to meeting up with the kids again! Messy Games night planned for next Thursday - hope everyone remembers old clothes :) We have some fab games planned including banana splat, Diaper eat and a gunge relay race. Photos to follow...

The week after we are having a mini cinema evening - not sure what film to watch..any suggestions?

Normal groups resume on Thursday 24th Feb...we are currently seeking God as to what to study...very exciting!

Mary's Teas Christmas Party 2010